What do the numbers recorded by the meter (TE, PS, Balance) mean?

In addition to recording basic parameters (power and cadence), a power meter also registers additional parameters, which are explained below:

-Torque Effectiveness (TE%): This parameter is crucial for describing how much of the power we generate is actually used to propel the bicycle. In technical terms, it represents the percentage of generated power that is useful. Typically, TE values fall within the range of 65-90%. The higher the value, the more efficient our cycling work is, and less of the work is wasted (or, with the same power output, we’ll simply ride faster). These losses occur because even when using clipless pedals, during a certain phase of the pedal stroke (when pulling the leg upward), one leg interferes with the other, creating additional resistance that needs to be overcome. The TE parameter is calculated using the formula: , where (P+) represents the total positive power during one crank revolution, and (P-) represents the total negative power during one crank revolution.

-Pedal Smoothness (PS%): This parameter assesses how evenly power is generated during a single pedal stroke. It is calculated using the formula: , where (P_{\text{avg}}) is the average power during one pedal stroke (averaged across all collected samples), and (P_{\text{max}}) is the maximum power recorded during the stroke. Higher PS values indicate a more uniform distribution of power during the stroke. Typically, PS values fall within the range of 10-40%.

-Leg Balance (LR%): This value, available in dual-sided power meters like the TWIN2, informs us about the contribution of the left and right legs to the overall power distribution. A 50%/50% balance means equal work from both legs. Usually, the balance deviation does not exceed 5%.

Additionally, in collaboration with selected bike computers and Garmin watches, “Cycling Dynamics” parameters are recorded. You can read more about this topic here.

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