Is it possible to transfer the power meter from a crank to another crank?

Use our INPEAK FOREVER service to enjoy your NEW power meter on your new hardware!

The INPEAK Forever service is addressed to people who have an INPEAK power meter but, as a result of changing their bike/accessories, they want to have the meter on a different arm/crank.

As part of the service:

  1. we remove the power meter from the old crank;
  2. we install new components on the new crank;
  3. we upload the latest software;
  4. we extend the warranty period for another 2 years.
The service applies to both meters under warranty and meters after the warranty period. The condition of the meter does not matter. We accept both damaged (electronically) and functional equipment – this does not affect the price. At INPEAK, we focus on quality, long life of the equipment we produce, and concern for sustainable development and the environment. We strive to make INPEAK power meters a product that you buy not for the summer, but for YEARS.

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